Friday, January 25, 2008

WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

I went to the doctors to hear the baby's heartbeat. My mom went with me because Tim's work needs a large amount of notice to get off. The nurse started to do an ultra sound and right when she found the baby we noticed that there was another right away. We are having Twins. My mom and I were both crying (tears of joy). Tim and I have been joking about TWINS since we found out we were pregnant. I wish he could have been there, but I was able to see him in person at the Bread Co. and tell him. He is just as excited. I was crying when I told him. We both called our family members and some cried with us. Tim's mom is also very excited. I have been telling everyone that I have been eating a lot lately. No wonder it is for me and two others. I know the pictures are not the best because the scanner did not do a very good job, but you can see the 2 babies. I was told that I have to the doctor every two weeks. Doctor, ultrasound, doctor ultrasound. That is o'kay more pictures for me. She also said that I would probably have the babies before my due date. She said I would have them before i go back for teacher orientation which is the first week of August.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. Appointment was a bust

Wednesday the doctor's office called and needed to reschedule my appointment. I tried rescheduling for the same day, but it did not work out. We made a new appointment for this Thursday so I hope that is ll goes well. I will update more about the appointment then.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tim and I had our first Dr.'s visit today. It was not very exciting but our Dr. is very friendly and funny. By his calendar our weeks change on Thursdays. I will be 8 weeks tomorrow. I have to go back in 2 weeks (1/17) to hear the heart beat and have some cultures done. (something like that) We have our choice of 4 hospitals to deliver at but I will most likely go to DePaul because it is the closest.