Monday, April 28, 2008

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kettman


Becky and Ray got married on Saturday, April 26, 2008. It was a lot of fun. I wish I could have had a few drinks. Here are a few pictures to see how beautiful Becky looked.

Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Friday!!!!! An update from the Specialist

Baby A: Looking at us
Baby B: sucking his thumb
Baby B: sucking his thumb, you can see his leg
and his toes
Baby A and B's heads, looking at us. You can see
the eye sockets of B and little white dots for A's eyes.
Baby B: with his thumb in his mouth again
Baby A: Looking at us waving. You can see ribs.
and an ear by his hands.
Baby A: sucking on his hand. You can see
the eyes and a foot against the side of the picture.
Wow I have some picky bloggers. (Kelly P.) The babies will move a lot for awhile and then stop for a long time. Sometimes a day or two. I am feeling great. Tired all of the time, but no sickness ever. I am getting k-ankles and I really don't like that.
I had an ultrasound today. Tim got off work early so he was able to meet me up there. All is well. The babies are growing a lot. Since I am now further along she was able to tell me the apprx. weights. When she did the measurements of baby A she made a comment about how big the baby was. Baby A weighs 1lb 7oz. and then she measured baby B and this baby is even fatter, weighing in at 1lb 10oz. She said these are very good weights for how far along I am. The bigger the babies get the harder it is to see the pictures. We have a lot again. GOOD news both babies are in the right position for delivery, but they have plenty of time to change again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Getting things done

Well, we have nothing finished for the babies room yet. Tim is still in school until the May 8th. I told him that I would not bug him to get things painted and finished until he finishes school for the semester. I have been getting on him to paint the closet of the back room so we can move everything out of the other room to paint it. I know he is really busy with school and he does have a fulltime schedule. This weekend we have his Mom's wedding on Saturday and the Baptism of the triplets on Sunday th 27th. My Dr's appointment is Friday and I can't wait, after the appointment I am going to visit my friend Diane who just had her second little girl on the 16th of April, Claudia Grace. Next weekend, we have a Cards vs. Cubs game and a 50 wedding anniversary party. BUSY,BUSY,BUSY.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baby Shower!!!!!!!

Surprise, Surprise two updates in 1 week. I probably won't have another until next Friday after I see the specialist. Last Friday 4/11, my work threw me a baby shower. I received all kinds of wonderful things. I was so exited opening the gifts, I love getting new things even if they are for the babies. As you can see in the pictures I got some diapers, pacifiers, soft blankets, bath supplies and of course some cardinal outfits and many more things.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Me and the TWINS at 22 1/2 weeks

This picture makes me look huge.
This update is long over due. It has been almost a month since we updated. Tim and I bought a new mini van a little over 2 weeks ago. I will post pics when I get home. Since Toni wants to see my belly I am going to put up some covered belly pics. I had Kristal at work take these on my break so I can update. I have a doctors appointment today at 2:30, it is nothing big, just a check up. I have to see the specialist again on the 25th of April. Hopefully I will have more pics.