Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dr. Visit

I had a dr.'s visit on Tuesday and I had to go straight to work afterwards. I had to work during the day yesterday and then I had school until 9 p.m. Sorry for not getting these pictures up right away. (Jackie) Everything is going great. Before I went to my appointment, I asked Tim if he wanted to go. He wanted to know if they were going to do an ultrasound, that was his decision maker. I did not know because it was only a check up. I talked with Dr. Hahn for a little bit and he does not recommend that I go to Tunica this summer. I was a little upset, but I know what is more important. He just feels since I am having twins being 5 hours away at 31-32 weeks would not be good just in case. Tim and I understand, so Tim will get to party without me. When he was checking my stomach he asked if I wanted to have a peek at the babies. Of course I would say yes. And then I realized this is the 4th ultrasound that Tim has missed. I did call the specialist to make sure I am getting an ultrasound on 3/17 that way Tim can be there. Here are the most recent pictures. They are not very good, because Dr. Hahn just likes to play around on the machine and he says he really does not know how to do it good. I think one is of both heads and the others are only one of the babies. Who really knows?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not very good at updating

Okay, so I suck at updating things. I just spent the weekend down at the Lake, only finishing 7 scrapbook pages. Yes, Chrissy and I usually finish that amount in one night, but I was slacking. Tim sat home and cleaned a little, but mostly just relaxed. We are starting to pick out what kind of bedding we want for the twins room so we can start painting. Actually, I should say for Tim to start painting. I am thinking Frogs, but we haven't decided yet.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Info from the SPECIALIST

Baby B
Baby B

Baby B
Baby A
Baby A
Baby A
so, as you can see we got new ultrasound pictures today. I was on my way to the doctor's office and I realized that my appointment was at 2:30 instead of 3:30. I was so embarrassed, I was crying on my way there. Those damn hormones. Anyway, they were actually running late so I was okay. The doctor talked to me about the types of twins and the risks in having twins. I am okay with everything. When they did the ultrasounds the babies get jumping and moving around, it was really neat. I can't wait for Tim's work to let him off so he can see it. Both babies are on target for a due date of 8/14. Their sizes and heartbeats are very good. The doctor could not tell if the babies were identical or not. She said they have two separate sacs, but they could still be identical. She said they could be, if the egg split very early and they attached to the wall of the uterus separately. I let her know we did not want to know the sexes, she said that was cool but to tell every doctor when I see them. I have a regular check up on Thursday this week. I will be 13 weeks on Friday. My next appointment with the Specialist is 3/17 (ST. PATRICKS DAY). Hopefully i will get to meet with Sue at Dr. Hahns office on 2/21.