Saturday, August 15, 2009

The last 3 week ends

We have been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. We had the family reunion and Libby's baptism the weekend after the boys 1st birthday party.

Family Photo

Cory, Ken, Katie, Libby, Cory and Jane

Godparents: Janie and Michael

Katie, Libby and Cory

Aug. 1st Becky and Ray had a family BBQ that was also a surprise diaper party for the new babies. I was surprised until we got into the parking lot, which is great. We received so many diapers and a few outfits for the new comers. Thank you everyone that was able to come and for the wonderful gifts.

Look at all of those diapers......We are set for a while.

Me and Tim

I figured Tim should open some of the gifts too, they are his babies and he will be changing a lot of poopy diapers.

Matt was helping us open presents.

Matt and Diona

Our Cake

Are you exhausted? What a long day.....

Really? I don't think I could be any bigger....Oh wait, this picture was 3 week ago.

Kelly and Sully

Cassie and Alli

Grandma holding her two of her babies...
Jimmy and Cassie

That next Monday, I had to go back to work. Not my favorite thing to do. The meetings were very informational, but it was really hard to sit there for 4 days straight. The next weekend was even more busy, we had a wedding shower, a 30th birthday and a 2nd birthday party to go to. Becky and Ray kept the boys over night Saturday. Thank you so much.

Matt was so happy that day and then he wanted to the strap to the camera, so he was running towards me.

Michael was playing couch commando with the remote

The boys were excited to watch their show on their new couches. They really don't sit together much on the same couch, they usually fight over it.

This weekend was just as busy, but we had a lot of fun. Tim and I we together the entire weekend doing things together, with and without the boys. These are the new sunglasses that they got in the goody bags from the birthday party last weekend.


Matt-man just chillin


He looks like a little bug in the glasses, but he is our cute lil' bug.

So to finish off the weekend, we went to Billy's 9th birthday party. The guys took all of the boys to see the horses. I have no pictures of the birthday boy.

Matt laughing at the horse.

He liked to pet the horse too.

They really like it.

Michael couldn't get enough

Sully was kissing the horse.

