Tuesday, May 22, 2012

St. Louis Zoo April 6, 2012

Back in April we went to the Zoo. I was hoping to get at least 1 good hour in with the kids. We got their right at 9am and stayed until 12:45...A lot longer than 1 hour. The kids were great. The only time a kid cried was when they fell and got hurt. (Chris and Michael, but it was nothing serious)

Libby & Chris
(I missed the picture of them walking holding hands, it was so cute)


Danny sticking his head through to get closer to the Giraffe



Cousin & Aunt Janie helping out

Someone left the cart out. Kids thought it was a toy so we let them play on it until the people came back.

All the kids
Matt, Chris, Liam, Danny Libby
Mike & Cory

Katie & Liam



This picture would have been better if Chris would have stayed up there


Chris & Matt

Chris & Mike

Mike & Matt

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kids and House Updates

I am on Spring Break this week and I am trying to get a lot done but it is really not happening. I painted the kids room, had the hardwood refinished and bought Matt and Mike new twin mattresses. I can't wait until it is all finished. I still need ot buy closet doors and have Billy put them in and put the baseboard back up. Little by little the house is looking better.
All the boys are doing great. They are getting so big. They make me so proud everyday, they also make me laugh everyday too. The things they say, I can't help laughing. Chris's favorite thing right now is to give kisses. He will come up to me and say, "I want kisses," and I will give him kisses, then he will run away and then come back saying, "I want rubby noses kisses." Sometimes he will do this for 10 minutes. Danny wants to do everything on his own. "No mom, I do it myself." Little brat....really I can get it done loves to dance. Everytime music is on the tv, radio, phone etc...He dances. It is very funny. Everything Matt sees or heres he absorbs. He got made at me the other day and started crying. He yelled at me, "see mom, see what you did, you made me cry and now your getting on my nerves." I wonder where he got that from...!!!! We went to Disney on Ice Thursday 3/22/2012 and he loved it. He was so excited when the skaters wrapped their hands around the cloths and were lifted into the air.

Danny Matthew
Danny & Chris's room first coat!
Matt & Mike's room
Hallway(being sanded)
Danny & Chris's roomDanny & Chris's Room

Danny's Chris's room with primer

Matt & Mike's room (first coat)

Matt & Mike's room (first coat)