Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas and....

Christmas Eve was a busy day. I had to finish up a few last minute gifts. I procrastinated a too much. I had Wednesday and Thursday off with no kids and I still didn't get much done besides laundry and some of my house. Since we were going to 5 o'clock mass, I had to let the boys open a present from me. It was the shirts that they were going to wear. They were all the same, but different colors.

Chris wanted to eat instead of opening his present
Danny was just excited to be on the couch without me telling him to get down
The Kempland's came over to help me get the kids ready for church. They brought over some presents for them. After church, I let the boys open the big gift. It was the hit of the night. I had to wake Matt up to open it.

Matt and Mike

Danny was saying 'cheese' for this picture

The boys also got new pajama's because they only have 1 each. I had to give a lot of them away because they were too small or the babies kept slipping. (Chris) I had them sit in front of the tree to get a picture, but it was kind of hard to get them all too look.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba, Yo Gabba Gabba, Yo Gabba Gabba, Yo Gabba Gabba......YOOOOOOOOOOO!

The boys are starting to watch more than just The Backyardigans.....although I hear Austin, Austin, Austin over and over, I also hear Gabba Gabba.......Chris love watching tv. He even dances with the shows. At the beginning of Gabba Gabba, dj Lance moves his arms when he is singing....

Sunday, October 31, 2010

BOO!!!!! @ the ZOO!!!

Saturday, 10/30/2010 I took the boys to BOO-at-the-ZOO! They had a good time and were really well behaved, but I don't think I will do it again. It is always more fun when there is family around, so that is what we did. Kelly D. went with me and the boys, Chrissy, Jim, Brian, Gina, Katie, Michael and all the kids in tow. Katie and Michael caught up after I left. So we actually had 2 group photos. The kids liked the 4 pieces of candy they received for standing in the longest line ever. Next time, I will take the kids to the Zoo after halloween and bring my own bag of candy for them. It was a good picture opportunity.

4 Little Monkeys Matt
The Clauser Family

Mike and Matt Matt was tired of waiting in line...he decided to take a break

Matt and Mike love putting their heads in the holes.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Danny & Chris's 1st Birthday!

I know, I am far behind on my updates. Well, I lost a lot of my pictures. I had a lot of them on my work laptop and it had to be reimaged. They could not save anything that was on my hard drive. Luckily during the summer I uploaded the majority of them to Walgreens and Shutterfly. Shutterfly will only cost about $30 to put about 3000 pictures on a disc (a lot cheaper than walgreens). I did lose Matt and Mike's 2nd bday and when we went out to Foristel for Billy P.'s bday, but I think that is it. Good thing all my 2009 pictures are still on my personal labtop, but they will be uploaded this week. I will make sure of it. These pictures are not in the order that I wanted them to be, but my computer was acting really stupid...
On to the 1st bday party.......It was a lot of fun, I was able to enjoy myself this time. I had BBQ'd the day before and family also helped make some dishes. Thank you everyone. They received lots of presents (toys and clothes) They needed all of them, it is kind of like Matt and Mike get a 2 birthdays in a row. They love playing with all of their brother's toys. I made them the baby Einstein catapiller for their cake and I was happy how it turned out. But I will never do something like that again.....(thank you Misti Hackmann)..

Chrissy & Jenna
Kelly and Sully
Baby Einstein Catapillar


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some videos

I bought a new Sony Handycam. I love it...having 4 babies I have to have a video camera. Here are some of the things that were captured.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Once again it was another hot day for a family reunion. It doesn't matter when we have it, it will always be hot but we all still have a good time. It was so hot that there was a sprinkler running and all the kids kept running through it. Matt and Mike got so muddy, I just took off their clothes and let them run around in their diapers. All 4 of the boys played with and ate the ice out of everyones coolers. Thanks to everyone for letting the kids get into your

Cool dudes ready to go
Danny finally falling asleep (it lasted 10 minutes)
Mommy and Mr. Christer
This is not sun burn...they were just really hot
Matt didn't want to let go of the bat
Aunt Kelly and Danny large man..Mr. Christer
Running in through the sprinkler
Sitting so peaceful having fun eating ice off the ground

Matthew and Michael's 2nd Birthday Party

Matt and Mike's birthday was July 18th, so I had party at the house. They had so much fun playing with their cousins, aunts, uncles and friends. We are so blessed to have everyone in our lives. Thank you so much for all the great gifts and celebrating with us. They had a party at their dad's the day before so I was able to get their cake decorated and the house cleaned. Elmo turned out great and the boys loved it.
Elmo and Cookie Monster cup cakes
Jane, Danielle, Chrissy and Mom
Sue and Matt
Cory and Libby
Aunt Kelly and Dan
Lisa, Jerry and Chris
Michael playing ZOOM ZOOM with Uncle Jim
Vroom, Vroom, cruisin' the doons
They were only interested in opening gifts for a while..they wanted their new toys
Birthday boys with Grandpa and Grandma
Birthday boys!!!!!
Grandma and Matt doing ZOOM ZOOM
Grandma and Mike doing ZOOM ZOOM
Matt-man loving his new set of wheels
Michael on his new bike