Saturday, April 23, 2011

Playing at the Park!

Michael is always too busy having fun. He does like to always look at the camera

Danny boy...always saying 'cheese'


Christopher James, before he took his tumble.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011 Easter Bunny Pictures

Needless to say the boys still don't like the Easter Bunny!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cardinals Game with Matt & Mike

Tuesday 4/5/2011, I took Matt and Mike to their 1st Cardinals game of the season. Since my school will be singing the National Anthem this coming August they offered us free tickets for Monday and Tuesday night. I took Tuesday night because I knew family would be there with season tickets. I bought the boys new CaRDinaL shirts for the game. When I picked them up from daycare they were so to have new shirts and to be going to the game. Lisa came over around 6:30 to babysit Danny and Chris til Kelly was able to get there.

Matt breaking open the peanuts

The back of their new shirts. (Michael) They can also tell you that it is the number 5!
When we got to the game the boys were so amazed. They were so good and had so much fun. They played a lot with Uncle Ken watching him throw peanuts up in the air and catch them in his mouth. It was the coolest thing to them. They even started to help Uncle Ken crack open the shell to get the peanut out first. They are really smart. When we noticed what they were doing it was a little to late, Ken had already eaten a few. They would both set the peanut on the ground, step on it a little until it cracked and then they would pick it up and give Ken the peanut that was inside.
Watching Uncle Ken catch peanuts

Uncle Ken playing around

He had to catch that one with his hand

Eating and Playing at the game

We only had to use the restroom 3 times during the game, NOT to bad....but the third time we went was right when we got back from the second time. Matt had to go poop...Really he couldn't tell me that when we were in there. Of course he didn't go. We won the game 3-2 and watched the fireworks at the end. Matt and Mike liked them this year. Last year they were really scared.

We did get their kids crew card stamped and they received their Ryan Franklin duffle bag, wrist bands, lanyard, bobble head tooth brush holder and other things. Matt loved the wrist bands especially when Uncle Ken put some change in the zipper pouch for him. It was a great time, I am so glad it is CaRdiNaL season again.

Me and My big boys enjoying the cardinal game. Micheal was being silly! (his favorite word)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Matt calling Grandma

Every morning the first thing that comes out of boys mouths is, "Where's Grandma, Grandma's keys." Mike is usually the one that wants the keys but they all ask for her. So Matt wanted to call her yesteday. I think they see her as much as they see me. It is really cute. Enjoy the video