Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas and....

Christmas Eve was a busy day. I had to finish up a few last minute gifts. I procrastinated a too much. I had Wednesday and Thursday off with no kids and I still didn't get much done besides laundry and some of my house. Since we were going to 5 o'clock mass, I had to let the boys open a present from me. It was the shirts that they were going to wear. They were all the same, but different colors.

Chris wanted to eat instead of opening his present
Danny was just excited to be on the couch without me telling him to get down
The Kempland's came over to help me get the kids ready for church. They brought over some presents for them. After church, I let the boys open the big gift. It was the hit of the night. I had to wake Matt up to open it.

Matt and Mike

Danny was saying 'cheese' for this picture

The boys also got new pajama's because they only have 1 each. I had to give a lot of them away because they were too small or the babies kept slipping. (Chris) I had them sit in front of the tree to get a picture, but it was kind of hard to get them all too look.