Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Go Cardinals.....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baby A
I think this looks like Michael

Baby B
I think this looks like Matt

Baby A and B
The top picture makes baby B look like a little puppy dog with a floppy ear.
The bottom one is a good picture of baby 'A'
I had an ultrasound today. Everything is looking great. I they really didn't tell me the sizes of the babies, but I did see on the screen that my due date is right on schedule and the babies weigh about 11oz. The way the pictures look, I think I am going to have 2 more boys.

Matthew is getting really good at crawling now and I also found him sitting up in his crib on his own. Soon, Matt will be the one picking on Michael because he will also be very mobile.

Michael is pulling up on everything and becoming a little cry baby. We noticed on Sunday that he has his 3rd tooth on the bottom.

I want to thank everyone who has been giving us formula and baby coupons. Keep them coming. I am getting ready to buy some size 3 diapers from a girl in Chrissy's mommy group. I figured that they are so cheap and I really need to start stocking up on things.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

All about Matt

Matt is starting to crawl. He will only do it when you wave something that makes noise in front of him. Today I had to jingle my work keys. The boys didn't go to the sitter yesterday because Matt wasn't feeling well. He had a 100.3 fever on Thursday night and when he woke up Friday early, early early he had a 101.5 so Mom babysat for them. Thank you very much. He is Matt's crawling video.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just a few videos

While I was at bingo trying to win, Tim was at home with the boys. He recorded some funny moments with them. He told me about one moment he couldn't get recorded, but they did a repeat during dinner. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did when I got home.

Matt and Michael after eating dinner

We only have one bouncer so that means we only have one of these toys

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday Pictures

I wanted to post this on Sunday but I was so tired after the casino and then I just forgot. Sunday was a lot of fun, we went to church and the boys were great. They fell asleep so Tim was able to watch them and I was able to help out Chrissy and Jim. We went to Becky and Ray's to visit. The boys opened their easter baskets from Me-maw and Paw-paw. Cute outfits, movies and money---their favorite. We then went to my mom's house for lunch and the easter egg hunt. The boys were sleeping so we didn't participate this year. We stayed for a long time and then went home to rest for a little while. Tim played games and Kelly D. helped me clean and reorganize the boys old cloths. I went from 3 bins to 2.
Danielle watch the kids on Monday and I went shopping with Janie and Kelly at old Navy. I had a doctor's appt. and everything went well, except for my weight. I gained 4 lbs in 4 weeks, for a grand total of 7.5 lbs. Not to bad for being 18 weeks. If I gain 1lb/week for the rest of my pregnancy it will be 1/2 of what I gained with the boys. Dr. Hahn wants me to get another ultrasound with the specialist, so that will be in a couple of weeks. Matt and Mike had there 9 month check up on Tuesday. Matt weighs 20lbs 11oz and Mike weighs 20lbs 9oz.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nothing much, the boys are sick again.

These pictures are not in any order at all. Since I am updating this at work, my computer will not let me rearrange things. The boys have been sick with runny noses the last couple of days. At first I thought it was from teething, but now they have coughs. They are getting so big, they love to play in their room together. It does not matter which toy one of the has the other wants it and starts to steal it. Matt man
Michael Man
Playing together
Michael fell asleep in the middle of me feeding him. I was talking to Jennifer and he just shut his eyes and went to sleep when I was putting more food on the spoon.

Chrissy watched the boys 2 weeks ago so I could get the car licensed and the camera was broken. The boys pulled it off the table when they were in their race cars. We just got it back on Tuesday.
Matt, Mike, Jenna and Alli
Jenny feeding Matt after babysitting.