Saturday, March 27, 2010

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Visit with Cousin's

So last weekend our cousin Julie was in town. Chrissy and I went out to Aunt Kathy's to visit. We had a good time, we sat around, talked and ate lots of crap. No wonder I only lost .2lbs this week. Doesn't matter though, I hit my forty pound mark. At the end of the night we wanted to take some pictures of us girls. Of course, everyone thought they looked better in different pictures. The first person to say something was Chrissy, 'oh no, redo this' then again 'I don't look good do it again, aunt Kathy you need to stand up, that is why we all look like we have double chins'....Chrissy you have to look at everyone in the pictures not just yourself.

Hey are boob's are touching---said Jennifer

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Toys

So Chrissy and Jim gave me some of their kids old toys. Two Radio Flyer horses, 1 jump-a-roo, and a slide. Jim dropped everything off about 6pm. I called him about 7:30 to tell him that Matt and Mike only stopped playing on the slide to eat dinner, that took them 20 minutes. They were having so much fun. If you listen, you can hear them counting with me.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I was trying to get the big boys to sing along. You can tell what Michael is trying to sing. I probably could have stopped singing because he was done. I have more on the video camera.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

my BIG boys (Dan and Chris 6 mos)

On March 8th, I took Dan and Chris for their 6 month check up. They are getting so big. Dan weighs 17lb 11oz and Chris weighs 19lb 9oz. They both had to get 4 shots. They cried so hard, I hate having to see the go through that.

Chris had sore on his leg, so I had Dr. Murphy look at it. Poor thing had to have it lanced. It was one of the hardest things I had to watch. There was so much puss and fluid in it. The cultures came back positive for staph. I had to take him back 2 days later to make sure that it was healing good. While he checked Chris, I made mention that Michael's had popped, but was still there. He insisted on seeing him too. Poor thing, he had to push on it so hard to get the core of it out. His cultures also came back as staph. I had to wash all the boys and myself 2x a day with a special anti-bacterial solution and give them antibiotics.

Christopher-----Dan was sleeping during my photo shoot.

After Matt and Mike empty out my cabinet they like to play in it. They were playing so cute together for about 15 minutes and then they started fighting. It is so cute when they play together but it is also funny when they fight. They don't hold back at all. They pull each others hair, push and pull.

Playing together

Michael was shutting the door on Matt. They were playing peek-a-boo

All my boys watching tv together. The Backyardigans still and now Barney!!

Mike and Matt
Matt loves to play with my Bread Co. cups

On a good note, all the boys are fine now and love playing together. They love playing outside, when I get them out of the van they just want to go in the backyard and play. I just finished raking up the gumballs so the kids won't trip on them. I can't wait to get those darn trees cut down. It may take several years for that to happen, but when it does I will be so happy.

Matt and Mike started brushing their teeth every night before they go to bed. I am brushing my teeth 3 times a day now; morning, 6:30pm and before I go to bed. I have to do it with them before they go to bed to show them how to do it. The first night they really didn't like it all that much, but now they are liking it more and more. So much that when it is time to stop they cry because they don't want to give up the tooth brush.


Mike and Matt



Matt showing off his clean pretty teeth

I have a list of things that I want to do at the house. Currently, their is no way that I will be able to do these things now, but I am going to list them just so I know what needs to be done and if anyone has any suggestions or cheaper ways to get them done let me know. I am sure that I want more done, but right now these are the big things.

****Get clutter out of the house****
Buy picture frames, get pictures developed and hang them
Paint the ceilings
Paint 2 bathrooms; front room and my bedroom
New white doors to all closets, bathroom and bedrooms
New front door; screen door too
New back door; screen door too
Remove the ugly tree on the side of the driveway
Remove 3 ugly bushes from the front of the house
New landscaping
Cut down trees: 2 in the backyard; 1 in the front
Take out the front closet to extend the bathroom and put in a shower
Extend driveway to the fence---make a two car drive way

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Adventured out for our First Walk all together

Today my friend Gabie from work came over and we went to lunch while my wonderful babysitter Mo and her great kids watched mine. Right after lunch I got my massage that Jim (& Chrissy) bought me for Valentine's Day. It was really nice and felt really good.

Since the weather was so nice I wanted to take the kids out for a walk so I had Mo help me bring my stroller upstairs. We finally figured out where the straps went and then put the kids in. They looked so cute and loved it. Michael kept putting his foot on the front wheel to slow us down.
Mike, Matt, Chris, Dan and Mommy

finished our walk around the block





Thursday, March 4, 2010

Really old but cute! Breakfast with Santa

Way back in December I took all of the kids to 'Breakfast with Santa' at Jane's church. I meant to upload these a long time ago, but I kept putting it off. Here they are. The kids had so much fun, but they didn't like Santa at all.

Kelly and Matthew getting ready to decorate an ornament

Jackie, Matt and Dan eating pancakes and sausage when we went to 'breakfast with santa'

Monday, March 1, 2010

Danny caught up!!!!!!! He rolled over

Danny rolled over from tummy to back (3/2/10) exactly 6 mos old. I am so proud of my babies. Mike and Matt are repeating everything I say. When I ask them if they want to go to school, Mike will say, "cool, cool" or when I ask them if they want to eat, they both repeat, "Eat, Eat, Eat and go to their high chairs. They are so smart. I started dinner Tuesday, 'pizza rolls' and put them on the high chair until the carrots were done. When I picked them up to put them in their chair, I noticed that 3 of them were gone. They pulled them off and started eating dinner with out me. I just laughed.
Michael with chocolate pudding all over, now he uses a spoon

Matthew with chocolate pudding all over
Christopher James
(Chrissy, Chrissy, Chris)
My little Danimal Yogurt
(Danny Joe)

Michael hugging Dan

Matt hugging Chris

The big brothers giving their little brothers some lovin

Michael talking to Matt

Matt talking to Michael

Mike and Matt talking to each other

I gave them yogurt for breakfast and Mike decided it was to hard to eat with a spoon.
Matthew on the other hand thought that it was pretty easy.



Matt-Man loves holding his little brothers. Soon they will be as big as him.

Tuesday 3/2/10 Matthew didn't want to go to bed, so after crying for a little bit and Michael falling asleep, I got him out and we sat on the couch and watched tv together. He loved being the only one awake and getting all of my attention. He just kept looking at me and smiling. I loved it. Finally, around 8:30 I put him back in bed. He cried for about 2 minutes and then fell asleep.

Mike and Matt love to give the babies kisses good night and give each other a goodnight kiss also. Their newest thing is to give me kisses through the slats of the bed. They think it is so funny. It takes about minute to give each one of them a kiss goodnight because they laugh so much.