Thursday, July 31, 2008

Almost 2 weeks and our first real trip out

Okay, so once again I started slacking. The every 3 hour feedings are killing me. The boys were discharged from the hospital on Sunday and are doing great. We had another Dr.'s visit yesterday. Matthew weighed 5lbs 12oz and Michael weighed 5lbs 13oz. Matt passed up his birth weight and Michael needs to gain a few more ounces to get up to his birth weight.

We had our first trip out today, we met my dad at the Bread Co. We had a lot of us there. Jane, Katie, Michael, Kelly, Jenny, Jackie, Mom, Dad, Jackie, Billy, Chrissy, Alli, Jenna, Jimmy, Cassie, me, Michael and Matthew. My dad treated us all to lunch. Thanks Dad. We were taking pictures and everyone stopped to look at all of the kids and babies. We had a good time.Jimmy, Jenna, Cassie, Michael and Matthew

I get to start driving again tomorrow, but there is really no place for me to go yet. Our family reunion is this Saturday so Tim can drive and if I go to the wedding shower Sunday I can ride with my mom. I do have a dr.'s appointment on Monday and I have to go to school to give my sub some information. I really won't be as bored when I can drive. I am leaving Tim with the babies tomorrow so I can go to Bingo with my mom and some other family members. Hopefully one of us will win the jackpot.

Here are some of the babies 1 week pictures
Me and my boys

Grandma Becky

Mommy and Matt

Cousin Courtney

Matthew and Michael
Aunt Jackie
Uncle Bill

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dr. Murphy update

This morning Dr. Murphy came in right as we were getting ready to go back to bed. (7:30 feeding) He said that he would like me to start breast feeding (great). I could have all along but with the IV in Matt's head I just couldn't do it. He also said for us to let them determine when they are hungry and we don't have to wake them every 3 hours. That works for me!

Chrissy here is another poop story for you. Right as we were finishing up the feeding Michael let out a juicy fart. Lucky Tim was feeding him so he was the one that had to change him. In the middle of the changing Michael farted and shot poop across the room and it hit Tim in the process. I was trying not to laugh but it was hard not to not to mention it was also hurting me in the process.

Matthew is in a regular crib with no monitors and Michael is still in the incubator with normal air and no monitors. When Michael comes out, he will have to maintain his temp. We have cloths on them and they are also bundled and wearing hats. Dr. Murphy said we are staying for sure tonight, but we also might be here until Sunday. What ever makes our babies better.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Making my day

This morning the Dr. came in and said the lights can be turned off because their jaundice is down to a 6 which is really good. Their temperature is still lower than they want but is a lot better. They are going to try turning off the heat to see if the babies maintain their temp on their own. We did get the good news that their IV's can come out, so we let them take the one out of Matthew, but left the one in Michael. Matthew's temperature reached higher than what was set on the monitor. Great News! So they disconnected the skin temp monitor and he is now swaddled to see if he can keep his temp up on his own. They will be put in an open bed that has a light most likely tomorrow. The nurse thinks that we will be staying over night again tomorrow and probably discharged on Saturday.

Michael scooted himself around. He is going to be just like his cousin Cassie.
Matthew with out his IV sleeping peaceful
Gina came to visit and brought me and Tim so Lion's Choice. (Thanks Gina) We were able to stay with the babies and Tim didn't have to leave me alone.
Michael sleeping on his side. Is he going to be the first to roll over?
My mom, Chrissy, Alli, Jimmy, Jenna and Cassie came to visit. I was so happy. I missed all the kids so much. I can't believe that I really won't be able to go there and help her out anymore. I know it has only been a week, but they seem like they have gotten. Then again I know that mine are just really small.Me and Cassie. Seeing them and Alli made my day.
I have missed them all so much.

One more little note. Tim was getting worried that Michael did not poop all day. When his prayers were answered. Michael pooped so much Tim could smell it on the outside of the incubator. Tim said that Michael was keeping it warm just for his daddy to change it. It was baking at the right temperature. I am glad that it was my turn to feed Matthew.

their First Doctors Appointment


We took the babies to the Dr. thinking that it would only take an hour. Wow were we wrong. We pack up 4 diapers and some wipes. What else do you really need for an hour when they ate 10 minutes before we left.

When we got to the office they were taking their temps and couldn't get a good reading. They tried 3 different thermometers and the temps wouldn't read or they were really low. Since they couldn't get a good reading they had to do rectal temps. Needless to say 4 diapers were not enough. When I started changing Michael the first time he started peeing right away in his new diaper before I was finished putting it on. It formed a puddle on the side of his leg, it was pure luck that it still landed in the diaper. When they finally got a reading they were low and Michael still looked a little jaundice. The doctor said he wanted to admit them to St. Johns to run some test. I started crying right there. Poor Tim was trying not to cry to be strong for me but I could see that he wanted to. He is also a new parent that is worried about his babies.

We got to the hospital and they made us wait for the room to be ready. About 1h 45m, which when you are worried, stressed and sleep deprived seems like for ever. The staff is great. Both babies are in the same room and we have a bed in here to stay with them. They gave me a pump to help feed the babies, dinner for both of us and things in the lounge.

The boys got poked so many times it was really hard to hear them cry so much. They told us they needed to give them IV's so we left the room for a while. When I came back I looked over at Matt and he had an IV in his head. I started crying right there. I couldn't hold it in anymore and since I have a great husband he calmed me down while he was still crying. They ran lots of tests and the results came back really quick. Michaels jaundice level was at 15.4 and when we arrive his temp was 94. something and Matthew's jaundice level was at 10.6 and a temp of 94. something. They put them in an incubator and under a light to help raise their temps and reduce the jaundice.
This morning they ran more test, and both of their levels of jaundice went down to about a 6 and their temps are up to 98. They are eating a lot better and actually waking up to eat. I still want to cry when I think about everything they are going through. I couldn't feed them yesterday because I was scared about the IV's.
Daddy and Michael
Mommy and Matthew

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Born Pictures

Here are their new born pictures. They were taken on Sunday.

The actual web site is

Or just click on Matthew and Michael

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Finally Coming Home

Matthew and Michael

We finally got to bring home the babies today. Tim was a little nervous, he was a little touchy with the breaks which kinda of jerked me around in the car more than the babies.

Daddy dressing the babies to go home

We brought the babies inside and looked at each other and both said, "Now what?" We are so happy. I am sorry that you did not get this update yesterday. The babies were actually easy up until 10:30. The doctors said to feed them every 3 hours no more than 5 hours. Okay, I am used to that especially when in the hospital it the babies were brought in for a 3 o'clock feeding and didn't latch on until 4, the nurses still brought them back at 6.
They were so good when we first got home

They ate so good when we got home and had not problems latching on, Tim has to hold their but in place so they will calm down and start sucking. They are having no problems pooping at all. When we first got home Matthew needed his diaper changed so Tim did the dirty work, well when he was lifting his legs to wipe Matthew started peeing and it almost went in his own mouth. Later Tim was holding him while I was in the other room and he farted really loud. Tim said he felt the poop hit the diaper.

Now, last night or should I say this morning was a hell of a lot harder. Michael wouldn't wake up at all to eat and Matthew kept crying and crying. All I could think of was to feed him or burp him. Eventually he fell a sleep. No one told me that when you are feeding from one side you leak from the other. That was not fun I had to have a towel there all night. We have a Dr. appointment today at 1 to look at their levels of jaundice. If their levels are high we may have to start adding some formula, which is okay with us, that will be the very early morning feeding, like the 2am. I am trying to let them sleep so I can feed them right before we go. Hopefully waiting 4-41/2 hours doesn't make me a bad mom.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

More about Matthew and Michael

Michael and Matthew

Matthew Charles 5lb 9oz, 18 in long,; 7:48 am
Michael William 6lb 1oz, 19 1/2 in long; 7:50 am

So we are so excited to introduce our new little babies to the world. Thank you everyone who came in to say hi and to see the new babies. I am sorry that I was sleeping most of the time. I was so exhausted and I wanted to be more alert when I was feeding the babies. Thank you everyone for the gifts they are so cute.

Matthew is beating Michael out with attaching and eating. I am still having some troubles getting the babies to attach but the nurses are very helpful. We had a lot of visitors on the first day and some today. These are pictures of todays visitors. I am going to get more soon because Becky has some pictures that I want and she is going to email me the link (Right Becky?).

The babies are starting to look more alike today, but you can still tell the difference. Michael's face is a little more round than Matthew's.


Grandma and Matt
Uncle Brian and Matt

Aunt Gina and Matt

Jenny and Mike

Grandpa and Matt

Katie and Mike

Friday, July 18, 2008

Introducing Matthew Charles Meadows and Michael William Meadows

Hey blogstalkers get a glimpse of our babies firsts pictures here...

more to come soon....
Wifi permitting

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Newest updates from the Dr.

I am a little late on the updates but I think I talked to almost everyone. Tuesday I had a non-stress test and an ultrasound. Everything was fine. On Friday I had another non-stress test and the Dr. also checked to see how far along I am. I am still only dilated 1cm + but my cervix is softening. They said since I made it 35 weeks I can go anytime. The Dr. did tell me that baby 'B' is now sideways and not breach but is not fully vertex. I paid attention to the monitor on Friday and I was having very small contractions every 6-7 minutes. Which doesn't mean much since the babies are not here yet.

Today, I couldn't sleep so at 6 in the morning I went for a 25 minute walk and nothing. Tim and I went to lunch and then shopping and that didn't help. When we got home I took a 2 hour nap. It felt so good. Tim went to help his friend with internet stuff so I called Chrissy and we took a walk around her neighborhood. Maybe it will help, but Chrissy did jinx me and say I was going to go 40 weeks. Thanks a lot Chrissy. I am just really excited and I would like the babies to be here so they can meet their cousins from Poland who will be here Wednesday and Thursday.

I have another non-stress test and ultrasound this Tuesday if I don't deliver by then. Everything is ready. I just want to get a new camera so I can capture everything. Tim is going to show me how to use our video camera also. I am going to have a theme when I do my scrapbooking now. I only have about 4 more wedding pages to do. Not to bad since I only turned in my photo order 6 weeks ago. Sorry everyone who has been waiting on pictures. For anyone reading this I only ordered the Pohl family picture that everyone wanted and the large one that Tims mom wanted. I waited so long that I wasn't sure if everyone still wanted what they ordered.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 1 Year Anniversary

1 year together and expecting 2 babies

Tim and I celebrated our 1st anniversary today. Wow, it went by so fast. We went to Kobe's for dinner and had some great food. We came home to be disappointed by stupid people not giving Pearl Heart enough votes to stay on Nashville Star. Sunday my mom was very happy to get the top of our wedding cake out of her freezer. We cut into it and tried a piece, it is still really good. (Nice job on the wrapping mom)

I know I am big, but the camera had to add 10 lbs to both of us

We decided not to exchange gifts this year because we have so much stuff going on. We did get each other a card and Tim brought home 1 1/2 dozen roses. He said he figured he would get me a dozen for 1 year of marriage, but since I am pregnant I deserved an extra 1/2 dozen.

I am glad that the babies did not come today, but I am really ready for them. I am getting bigger and I am not liking it. You can see in the pictures, I look bad. Oh, we also put together the stroller yesterday, it is very big when the infant seats are installed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Okay, I may be on a slight form of bed rest but it doesn't mean I have all the time in the world. I do like to sleep sometimes and just relax.

MONDAY, I had a check up visit with Dr. Hahn (the father) because of what went on Friday. He said everything was the same and to take it easy. He stated that they want to hold me off until next Friday.

TUESDAY, I had an appointment with the specialist and they did new measurements. They said that A's belly is smaller, which they said once before and then it wasn't. The specialist said he was not worried. 'A' weighed in at 4lb 5oz and 'B' weighed in at 5lb 6oz. When the babies get bigger the measurements are harder to get and it can be +/- 13 oz. That is a big +/-.

TODAY I had an appointment with a dermatologist for a mole on my stomach. He said that he wants to remove it immediately. Then I had an appointment for a non-stress-test. Everything was fine.

THURSDAY, I get to go to the dermatologist to get the mole removed. Five Dr's appointments in 1 week.

Starting next week and each week until I deliver, I have to see the specialist and Dr. Hahn every Tuesday and then Dr. Hahn again on every Friday.

Yesterday I bought the stroller that goes with our car seats and our dresser should be coming in next week. Then I think we will have everything we have to have for the babies. I am getting bored sitting at home, so I think sitting at Chrissy's and having her hand me babies will be rest enough. It is very hard to sit by myself. Our house still needs to be cleaned, but it is very hard when only one person can do anything. Tim is doing a great job getting things done, but it is a lot for him.

Sorry Kelly that is all I have for now.