Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wish I had lots of money!

I really wish I had lots of money so we can go out everyday and do something new each day. Target only gets new items every now and again. It gets kind of boring going there all of the time. I could clean but that is boring too. The house has been staying pretty straightened for the last few weeks, well the rooms you can see when you walk in the house. I would love to get everything cleaned, painted and decorated before Matthew and Michael's 1st birthday party but I really don't see it all happening. We have the kitchen primed with one coat so far, but we need to do another and then probably 2 coats of the new color. Finally, my kitchen will be bright.

Remember dates are really for me............

Michael is starting to walk all over, but he still likes to crawl and play with Matt when they chase each other. (6/22) He is now stands up with out holding on to anything. We can see 8 teeth now (6/15). Four on top and four on bottom.

Matt is walking around everything so good. He still only has two teeth but I think more will be coming really soon. He can't keep his fingers out of his mouth. He is really starting to make way more noise than Michael. He babbles on and on. He does funny face all the time and starts to laugh at himself.

All of these cute pictures started because Matt likes to pull his own hair all of the time. I always say he looks like Ace Ventura. It really makes me laugh. Some times it will stay like that over night.






Both of are beautiful boys.

I know it is late, but Congratulations to Brian, Gina and Big bother Sully on the birth of Samuel Matthew. 6/15/09; 7lbs 15oz

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Matthew and Michael's 10 month pictures




Michael and Matthew


Michael and Matthew



Saturday, June 6, 2009

Michael's taking steps

Michael starting taking some steps yesterday on June 5, 2009. He is already getting pretty good. Every time he starts I don't have the camera by me. He is up to about 8-10 steps. He also cut a new tooth on top this entire week. It started showing through on Tuesday June 2, 2009. This is his 4th tooth. (sorry about the exact date but I need it so I can right it all down) Also sorry about the video and how it is sideways. I didn't think of that when I was recording. I just wanted to get it on tape.

Matt is doing great. He is pulling up on everything like Michael and he is starting to walk around things more. We are waiting for him to get another tooth. Sometime soon we hope.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

First time at the pool and new babies update

Sunday was a beautiful day, so Tim and I took the boys to the pool for the first time. Getting ready was the hard part. It took us a while to get everything ready, the diapers, milk, swim diapers, and sun screen both all of us. I am sure we forgot something, but I can't remember now. It took them about 10 minutes to get used to the water but after that they loved it. Once the water started getting warmer to them they started splashing around. We were so glad, they were so easy to entertain. They loved their new rafts, but I really didn't, they seem like they would just flip over if you would let them go. They fell asleep after playing for about an hour, which gave Tim and I some time to hang out and get a tan.



Michael and Matt in there new rafts

Matt playing with mommy's sun glasses

Matt and Jenny
Michael sleeping
Michael getting daddy's nose

Tim and Michael

Jenny and Matt

Cory and Katie


I had an unltrasound today for the new babies. I scheduled it on a Thursday so Tim would be able to go. Thanks mom for babysitting the boys while we were gone. Both babies are doing really good and growing a lot. They were moving the entire time during the ultrasound. Baby 'A' is estimating 1lb 13oz and baby 'B' is estimating 1lb 15oz. These are really good sizes for the babies. In the pregnancy books it says the babies should be about 1.5lbs right now. If the weights are right then they are a little bigger, which is really good. I go see Dr. Hahn next Friday for a check up and for my sugar test. That stuff is nasty. I hope I pass because I really don't want to do the 3 hr test. I think I have 1 more 4 week visit and then I have to start going every 2 weeks.

Baby 'b'

baby 'a' second one the baby has it's mouth open

baby 'b' and baby 'a'
the tech said they are holding hands.