Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's been over a year!!!!!! Let's start with Matt & Mike's Pre-K Graduation

So, it's been over a year since I have last updated. I just got really busy and fell out of the habit. Most of you see everything on Facebook, but some of you do not...
I would love to update over the last year, but we did so many things I wouldn't know where to start. I will post a lot of pictures in the next few post.

Matthew & Michael's Pre-K Graduation

My graduates!!!!!! 
Matthew and Michael


 The graduating class of 2013


 Family Picture!!!

 Dad and all of his boys

 Aunt Diona and (soon to be) Uncle Ross

 Grandma and her boys!!

 This is Matt's BFF Amy.
(He would always refer to her as his best friend)
Ms. Christine (TT). All 4 of the boys loved her..

They boys were so happy to graduate and they loved all of their gifts. Thank you everyone...They even loved getting a card and gift card (to buy a new big toy) in the mail from Me-Maw and Pa-Paw. (Thank you Becky and Ray)