Friday, June 27, 2008


Last night and this morning I was feeling some pressure. I woke up and it just didn't feel right. I called the Dr. and he sent me to the hospital to get monitored. The babies are fine and kicking a lot but I am dilated 1 cm. He prescribed me pre-cardia to stop any contractions and I have to see him Monday.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Surprise Again

Saturday, Tim's mom and sister Diona threw me a baby shower. We got lots of great stuff, we received the mobiles to our bed set, the second convertible car seat, play mats, diapers, outfits, onesies and much more. Our babies also got their own cardinal jerseys. I do believe this was my last shower. I did have 4 of them.

We started the babies room sometime ago, but we were unable to do what we needed without Billy's air compressor. We borrowed it from him and broke it, he says he could fix it, I hope so if not we will be looking for a replacement. The walls are painted, the paneling, base boards and the chair rail is up. I was able to put together both of the cribs. It was very easy, but my fingers started to go numb. I cleaned out the closet to start putting things away and I kind of made a clean area in the back room. We are going to put some things in the basement right now to save some space. The things that don't need yet, but will in few months: high chairs, large car seats, etc. We received so much stuff for the babies, thank you everyone. We only need to major things the large stroller that goes with the car seats and a dresser. The dresser will be bought before the stroller so I can get things (including the back room) and ready.

Both cribs are finished

I have a whole week of meetings for school starting Monday, but I get to leave early on Tuesday because I have Dr.'s appointment at 3:15. They are going to have me start non-stress-tests that day.

Last, but not least, it is Monday again and Nashville Star is on. Watch and Vote

"Pearl Heart"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You know you're part of the Pohl family when?

Pearl Heart performed for the second time on Nashville Stars. Thank you for everyone who voted and stayed tuned next Monday, they will perform again.

At the end of the show Amy put rabbit ears on Courtney. That is something that someone does in every family picture. Now it is happening on National TV.

'Pearl Heart'
Angela, Courtney, Amy

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Presents, Presents, Presents, Jealous, Jealous, Jealous


St. Louis Blues

On Friday Tim and I were going to go with Chrissy and Jim to Tina's daughters graduation party at the pool house. I was ready to sit and relax in the water. When we pulled into Chrissy's driveway, I saw my moms car and Toni's car. I really didn't put 2 and 2 together because my mom is always there and Toni comes a lot on Friday nights to help Chrissy. When I got to the door I did notice other cars and then I figured it out. 'A Baby Shower' I was surprised up until the door.We received a lot of wonderful gifts from everyone. We did get a lot of the small things that we really needed. We are so excited to get room together and start opening things. Thank you to everyone.

This weekend my entire family, excluding Billy, Kelly, Jim and myself went to Tunica, MS. I stayed home to babysit and help Chrissy and Jim out with all 4 of the kids. I was really exhausted after the first day. I felt so bad for Allison because I didn't have any help come over and she had to wait for everything. I did finally have one baby sleeping, and brought the other 2 outside so I could push Alli in her swing. On Tuesday, my cousin Jennifer came over to help me. She was great, but I can say she really doesn't like changing poopy diapers and she was a little scared Jimmy would pee on her.

I also saw Dr. Hahn yesterday, so Katie came over with Jackie and Kelly to Jennifer out. I really loved all of the help. I sound like their mom, but I am just the aunt thanking everyone. Dr. Hahn was glad to see that the babies were back on track and wasn't concerned anymore. He did say there was only a 1% difference between them. I told him that my whole family was in Tunica gambling and he asked why I wasn't. I told him because he told me not to go back in February. He said well I didn't know you would be doing this good at almost 31 weeks. Thanks Doc you just saved me about $300. I do have to go back in 2 weeks for a check up and a non-stress test. I think he said after this coming check up I will see him every week. I am going to do the non-stress test in his office because the specialist office hours kind of suck.

I really missed Tim, but I did like being able to sleep right in the middle of the bed. Last night I did it again forgetting that he was there. Sorry Tim. I just can't get enough of Chrissy's kids, I came over again to help my mom out for the day. It is good to see that mom can get some rest during the day too.
Tim and Toni

Who said Tim was picky?
Mom and Chrissy

What is Chrissy d0ing?
Do they look alike? Brian you have the color going for you.

The family in Tunica. Can you see why I was jealous.

Friday, June 6, 2008

CaN't sLeEp

So, it is 5:45 am on Friday, June 6th. I have been up since 2:45 and every time I try to go to sleep I can't. I thought sleepless nights were when the babies arrive not before. I took a Tylenol to relax like my mom said, but it still hasn't kicked in. The only thing kicking are these two babies. That is another reason I can't sleep. I tried laying on the couch, sitting in the recliner and now the sun is coming up and I still haven't been able to keep my eyes shut. I did get to catch up on General Hospital, I only wish that I had more than one episode to watch.

Good news: My friend Colleen got engaged about 3-4 weeks ago and is planning her wedding for May 16, 2009. I am very excited for her and Nate. She asked me to be a bridesmaid.Yet another reason to get skinny after the babies are born. Well I guess that is about it, I am going to look at other web pages now. The sucky part about not sleeping is, I am not going to get to take a nap today.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dr. Appt update

Last week I had an appointment with Dr. Hahn. He told me that there was a 23% difference between the two babies. The concern is: why is baby B growing more than Baby A. They don't want the percentage to increase. Well, today I went to see the specialist and the results are in. Everything is fine. Baby 'a' and 'b' are have a difference in weight of 17 grams which is nothing. Baby 'a''s abdominal area is back on the radar. Everything is growing. 'B' switched places again and is now in the breech position. I have another appointment with the specialist on July 1st, but I do have to see Dr. Hahn again next week on Tuesday. There was no mention of bed rest at this appointment, but I still have to keep my feet up because my left leg is getting very big and fat throughout the day. Thanks to my mom for being my support today at the office and for being their giving me someone to talk to. They always leave me in an exam room forever. In the pictures, mom and I figured that one looks like me and the other like Tim. Tim has an oval face (A) and mine is more round(B). You can tell in the pictures. (if you click on the pictures they will get bigger.)